CranioSacral Therapy in Melbourne
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Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hands on treatment that can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. It is a light touch therapy that allows the body to shift towards health and balance. It can be effective in the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions by helping to restore balance to the body and mind.

Craniosacral therapy can be used for health maintenance or the treatment of virtually any condition. 

Craniosacral therapy can be helpful in the following conditions:

Migraines and Headache 

Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Stress and tension 
Tinnitus and middle ear problems 
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) Injuries
Frozen shoulder

Sports injuries

Visual disturbances 
Whiplash injuries
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord
Emotional Difficulties
Hormonal imbalances
Menstrual pain, PMS 

Post-operative conditions

Digestive problems 
Drug withdrawal 

Chronic Fatigue  
Central Nervous System Disorders 
Birth trauma 
Problems during and after pregnancy
Immune system disorders
Tiredness and Low Energy

Craniosacral Therapy can be used in a range of disorders including those listed above. It is important to note that while lists like this can be helpful, they are by no means complete. Scott Brisbane is a very experienced practitioner who has treated thousands of people over many years with a range of symptoms and conditions. If you would like to discuss your specific case then call Scott on 0409 599 477.

Brunswick Clinic

Australian Shiatsu College
103 Evans St Brunswick  3056 
Ph. 0409 599 477

Mitcham Clinic

Natural Healing Centre
65-67 Percy St Mitcham  3132
Ph. 0409 599 477

Craniosacral Therapy is especially useful for painful conditions.
 The t
reatment gently unwinds the restrictions in the body allowing
it to return to a state of balance without pain. It is very effective in both acute pain as well as long standing chronic pain. 

Craniosacral treatments are extremely helpful when there has been a recent trauma or there is a long held trauma from the past. Craniosacral can release the body and mind of these restrictions that have held the system in a sub optimal state, sometimes for many years.

Occasionally people can feel not quite right, or just out of balance. They don't necessarily have anything wrong with them but they don't feel right either. They may have several symptoms that have been with them for some time and think, or have been told, that they just have to live with them. This is often where craniosacral therapy can help.

About Scott Brisbane

Scott Brisbane has trained extensively in craniosacral therapy. Initially he trained with the Upledger Institute in the biomechanical approach to craniosacral and then did further studies in biodynamic craniosacral therapy. He now uses the biodynamic approach in which the practitioner acts as a facilitator to the client's healing process. With the this approach the practitioner sensitively listens to the client's body and their energy to help create space for them to relax deeply and release restrictions and clear trauma and pain.

Scott has been a natural therapist for over 25 years and has been
using craniosacral therapy for 15 years. He teaches workshops on craniosacral therapy and energy healing to fellow practitioners and is a senior lecturer in the diploma program at the Australian Shiatsu College in Brunswick. For further information or to make a booking contact Scott at one of his clinics.

History of Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy has its origins in modern osteopathy. When Dr William Sutherland (1873 - 1954) studied the separate bones of the skull he postulated that those bones had the appearance of structures made for movement. At the time the adult human skull was said to be completely fused.

Sutherland set about designing an experiment to test whether the skull was in motion or if indeed it was a fixed structure. He devised a special helmut with scews to tighten the helmut over specific bones of the skull so as to prevent even the slightest movement. His first experiment was on himself. He and his wife wrote down their observations of his physical and mental symptoms and behaviours.

From this work Sutherland developed what is now known as cranial osteopathy. He was the first person to recognise the movement of the cranial bones and the expansion and contraction that occurs in the cerbrospinal fluid within the skull. 

In the 1970's Dr John Upledger, made his own observations of the nervous system. He expanded Sutherland's theory to include the whole of the spine. He added the sacrum, the brain and spinal cord, and the fluid and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. And his treatments based on this system became known as craniosacral therapy.

In 1986 Franklyn Sills started teaching biodynamic craniosacral therapy and this approach has continued to grow and develop until this day. Biodynamic craniosacral therapy focuses more on the presence and stillness of the practitioner and the deeper energies within the client known as primary respiration.
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